Wedding photographer in Eindhoven: A stunning trendy garden wedding in Waalre


Wedding Photographer Brabant: Spontaneous wedding photos at wedding venue "Het Ketelhuis" in Eindhoven and the St. Willibrordus Church in Waalre

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to shoot my longest wedding reportage ever in Waalre, in the province of Brabant. A wedding reportage spanning a whopping 14 hours of wedding photography. I was already in the car by half past seven in the morning, headed to Waalre to capture the bride getting ready, at her parents' home.

The start of the wedding day and the wedding reportage in Waalre. In their morning robes, dad opened the door while mom was painting her nails. Everything was very relaxed. Upstairs, the bride Mieke's bridal hairstyle was being styled, while two friends were doing their makeup and changing. Very cozy indeed. What strikes me in all the wedding photos and throughout the day is how much and contagiously Mieke laughs. That's, of course, a blessing for a wedding photographer.

Also funny, when her dear brother was ironing for the first time with spectators. Meanwhile, I drove to the groom Mark's house, where it was wonderfully quiet. Mark was already ready, and his father was just adjusting his tie.

Then it was time to put on the wedding dress, an important part of the wedding reportage. With a gas station receipt in hand, on which it was described point by point on the back how the dress should be put on.

When the wedding dress was on, the father of the bride came in to admire his daughter, and then it was time to go down the stairs, where groom Mark and the whole family were waiting at the bottom, for the bride's "First Look" in her beautiful wedding dress.

From the parental home, all the wedding guests and the bridal couple set off for the St. Willibrordus Church in Waalre for a super funny wedding mass with a Belgian priest. When he blesses the wedding rings, and they are soaking wet, the whole church bursts into laughter. Even the interrogation of the groom about the story of Adam and Eve causes a lot of hilarity.

After the wedding mass, an honor guard is formed by the wedding guests, and the newlyweds are joyfully showered with biodegradable colored confetti. After taking the group photos (also an essential part of the wedding photos), we head to the groom's house to cut the wedding cake and toast. Afterwards, there is a reception with a musical performance by the Tuna's, a Spanish band that gets the guests and the newlyweds dancing. A beautiful moment for some journalistic wedding photos full of beautiful emotions.

In the afternoon, everyone enjoys chatting in the afternoon sun, there is a photo booth where you can take a photo for a guestbook with fun props. While everyone chats and enjoys, I complement the wedding reportage with some photos of the styling, laughing guests, and some overview photos of the beautiful garden.

At five o'clock, the bridal couple freshens up, and we head to the celebration venue "Het Ketelhuis" at the De Grote Bleek estate. Here, the "Walking Dinner" takes place, and funny sketches and videos about the bridal couple are shown.

Then it's time for the opening dance during the wedding party. With a spectacular entrance, the evening event kicks off. From that moment on, everyone is dancing on the dance floor. I end the evening with the bouquet toss and then bid farewell to this super lively couple.


Lieve Shirley!

Onze bruiloft was al eind juni, maar door onze verhuizing naar het buitenland, hebben wij sinds kort ons prachtige album in ontvangst mogen nemen. We willen je nogmaals ontzettend bedanken voor je prachtige foto's, je gezelligheid en professionaliteit gedurende de dag en je perfecte service! Wij zijn dolgelukkig met het prachtige boek, een tastbare herinnering aan onze fantastische dag!

Wij hebben lang gezocht naar onze bruidsfotograaf, aangezien we het erg belangrijk vonden om achteraf een mooie en tastbare herinnering te hebben aan onze dag. We kwamen via deze website bij Shirley terecht en haar spontane, niet geposeerde foto's vielen ons direct op. Tijdens een kennismakingsgesprek klikte het ontzettend goed met Shirley, een super leuke vrouw en een goede luisteraar. Ze wist onze behoeften goed in kaart te brengen en we hebben geen moment getwijfeld aan onze keuze.  Het bleek een fantastische keuze! Shirley is professioneel en punctueel in haar afspraken, is een gezellige fotografe die zelf ook goed voor de dag komt en ze beweegt zich als tijdens de dag onopvallend tussen de gasten. Er zijn foto's waarvan we totaal niet doorhadden dat ze in onze buurt was! Dit heeft geresulteerd in prachtige en spontane foto's van onze gasten en van ons. Shirley is in staat om precies die belangrijke momenten (een omhelzing, een lach, een traan) prachtig op de foto te zetten! 


(gepubliceerd op de website van The Perfect Wedding)


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Wedding photographer in Eindhoven: A stunning trendy garden wedding in Waalre



