Wedding Photographer Echt: Outdoor wedding in a beautiful garden in South Limburg


Outdoor Wedding in South Limburg: A Garden Wedding in a Beautiful Garden in Elsloo

Imagine having had to postpone your wedding three times, but now it's finally happening, the weather is beautiful, and you're celebrating your wedding day in your parents' gorgeous garden with all your friends and family, including your little daughter. Then you have every reason to be completely happy!

On a sunny morning, I arrived at the bride's parents' home. Various trucks were parked outside, and everyone was busy setting up the marquee and the ceremony area. A fantastic spot under plane trees. Together with two videographers, I had the privilege of capturing this garden wedding today, which traditionally began with the bride's styling. She had already been to a friend's hairdresser, who would later come by to put on the bridal veil and add the finishing touches to her bridal hairstyle.

In the meantime, the bride, her sisters, her mother, and mother-in-law were also getting their makeup done. I wanted to conclude the "Getting Ready" photos with some still lifes of the wedding dress, which I hung in the trees in the garden together with the housekeeper. In between, I also quickly drove to the couple's home. It was only a few minutes from the bride's parents' house. I always recommend to couples, if the distance allows, to also have the groom's dressing captured. This is always a very nice moment where the mother and father often assist. In this case, there was also a very cute and photogenic dog.

Then I quickly returned to the bride because it was time to put on her wedding dress. I had walked around the house and chose the living room as the place for this, as it is spacious and had beautiful natural light coming in. I always try to avoid having to photograph the dressing in artificial light. After putting on the wedding dress, there was a touching moment, always beautiful to capture.

Soon it was time for the ceremony. A not too straightforward moment with a lot happening that I wanted to capture beautifully. First, the groom came with his mother, followed by the flower girls, and then the bride with her father. Behind the bridal couple on the ground, all the little children sat together on cushions, watching the vows. After the kiss and the exchange of rings, everyone walked together to a spot in the garden where a beautiful sweet table was set up. Here stood the wedding cake under the plane trees, along with various other treats. The little children marveled at the sweetness, which always makes for cute photos.

After the toast, cutting the cake, and a pleasant time with the whole company, I ventured behind the pool for the group photos. I found a spot with backlight overlooking the field. Subsequently, the videographer flew his drone over the company, resulting in a hilarious wave.

Soon it was time for the romantic photoshoot together. For this, we chose a beautiful field full of sunflowers behind the house. Since this couple didn't particularly enjoy taking photos, we kept it short and lighthearted, and the videographer also captured some footage in the field.

A beautiful shared dinner at a long table outdoors with some funny speeches was the next part of this wedding report.

The wedding day concluded with a lively party in the tent, featuring an opening dance followed by a band playing, and everyone hitting the dance floor.

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Wedding Photographer Echt: Outdoor wedding in a beautiful garden in South Limburg



