Garden Wedding in Belgium: Beautiful Outdoor Wedding in Molenbeersel


Wedding photographer in Kinrooi: Why your own garden is sometimes the most beautiful place to get married - tips and inspiration for a garden wedding with flair

Beauty often lies in simplicity, especially when you live as picturesquely as this couple. With fifty shades of green, depths to get lost in, water features, and the pièce de résistance, a turquoise blue swimming pool that seems to be straight out of a magazine, I found myself at a true Secret Garden party. Here, no chic wedding venue can compete.

Live music for a lively atmosphere at your wedding Lunch in the garden, accompanied by the sounds of a pianist. Chatting, toasting, laughing, hugging, and smoking cigars together. As the shadows gradually lengthen and the vibrant colors slowly transform into softer tones, the pianist is replaced by a live band, and guests move from the walking dinner to the party tent.

Elegant outdoor wedding with enchanting details The magic of this wedding lies in the details. Just like with bridal makeup, it is a true art to style the location so that it looks effortless and natural, as if you've simply set the table for a relaxed evening with friends in the garden.

Getting married in your own garden: Eclectic decoration to make your garden shine Choose styling that is as subtle as your makeup and doesn't scream for attention. Plants, trees, flowers, and ponds form the canvas you work with. Follow the example of this couple and opt for an eclectic style with vintage tableware and colorful dried flowers in apothecary bottles. If your garden is mainly paved and lacks greenery, it might be wise to consider another location for your summer outdoor wedding. Greenery creates a cooler and more pleasant environment.

Colorful outdoor setting for a vibrant wedding reportage What made this garden wedding so special was its intimate and familiar character. The couple and their guests, surrounded by familiar scents and sounds. Everything seemed to flow naturally, as if time slowed down, and the moment stretched into an endless day. It has become a beautiful, colorful reportage full of emotion. A wedding day that I, as a wedding photographer, look back on with great pleasure and that makes me happy to do this fantastic job.

This blog post is part of the series "Shirley lifts a veil." I've written these blogs for you as enjoyable reading full of tips and ideas (need color inspiration?) for your big day, especially about where and how to get married. Choose something different and opt for a wedding at a vineyard, in a mill, in a meadow, or like this couple, in your own garden.

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Garden Wedding in Belgium: Beautiful Outdoor Wedding in Molenbeersel



