Wedding photographer at Auberge de Rousch and Hoensbroek Castle


Wedding Photographer Heerlen: A May Wedding with Vows in the Church of Welten and a Wedding Celebration at Auberge de Rousch

It's been a while since I had the opportunity to capture a church wedding. The day started quite early with the bride getting ready at Hotel de Rousch, where she and her best friend had their makeup and hair styled. I documented this day together with videographer Eddie. It's always nice to collaborate. Being quite petite, he was also able to assist me nicely in hanging the wedding dress in a high place at the hotel, creating a beautiful still life.

Wedding photographer Hoensbroek castle: Looking for a nice spot for the first look 

The couple had met at Hoensbroek Castle, and it was their wish to have the so-called "First Look" there—the moment when the bride and groom see each other for the first time. However, as a photographer, you are always faced with challenges. Since Eddie and I arrived a bit earlier than the couple, I took a look inside the castle walls to see how the light fell and where a beautiful spot would be. To my surprise, the entire square was filled with fences and stalls. There was some kind of market that day.

So, a romantic "First Look" on the courtyard was not possible. I opted for the tree-lined avenue towards the castle, but some measures had to be taken. The groom was blindfolded and led to the bride, creating a hilarious moment.

Romantic wedding photos on the courtyard of Hoensbroek Castle

Afterward, I decided to do the romantic wedding photoshoot in the small courtyard near the museum—among the laundry and sitting by the pillars. It took some time to find a moment when no one walked by. What do you expect on a Saturday afternoon in May? But we could laugh about it.

Wedding photos from a beautiful church

service Then it was time for the church service at the Church of Welten, followed by the wedding cake and a toast in the Cherry Garden of Auberge de Rousch. During the drinks reception, I took some group photos and captured some atmosphere shots of the celebration. Soon it was time for the wedding dinner. During the dinner, I would be on standby, meanwhile editing some photos to present on a projector during the evening party.

A Same Day Edit of the wedding day

Meanwhile, I also had something to eat, and after testing the photos on the wall of the banquet hall, the first evening guests arrived. After a thrilling opening dance, it was slowly time for Eddie and me to say goodbye.

The wedding album is now ordered and on its way. I hope to make the couple happy with the result in a few days.


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Wedding photographer at Auberge de Rousch and Hoensbroek Castle



