Hoensbroek castle Wedding photographer


Hoensbroek castle Wedding photographer: A spontaneous wedding photoshoot in and around Hoensbroek Castle

Last Friday, I had the pleasure of being the wedding photographer for this lovely couple from Hoensbroek. It was a small wedding in the sense that I was booked for only a short time—about 4 hours to capture wedding photos—but that didn't make it any less enjoyable. I love hearing people's stories and how they met. It's especially delightful to be there when the bride and groom are getting ready for each other.

On this Friday afternoon, I started at the groom's mother's house, capturing wedding photos while a friend helped the groom get dressed. From there, he walked to his bride, who lives just a few doors down, above the business they run together.

This couple is special, and I already knew how emotional the groom would be when he saw his bride. We staged a classic staircase scene. He waited at the bottom of the stairs, and she descended in her long white dress.

Then it was time to head to the wedding venue: Hoensbroek Castle. They were picked up from home in a blue and white classic Bentley wedding car. Through the gate at the back of the castle, they drove into the courtyard, where all friends and family awaited.

During the beautiful wedding ceremony, a friend of the bride sang, and the grandson brought the wedding rings and scattered rose petals—well, he also handed them out while standing on the table.

After the wedding ceremony, there was a guard of honor on the bridge, followed by a toast on the terrace. The wedding celebration quickly kicked off, featuring an opening dance with live singing.

In between, we took group portraits, and I captured several wedding photos of the couple together and with their children.

At six o'clock, I said goodbye, and my role as the wedding photographer for that day was completed.

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Hoensbroek castle Wedding photographer
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