Wedding Photography in Heerlen at Pancratius Church and Auberge de Rousch


Wedding Photographer Heerlen: Spontaneous wedding reportage at Pancratius Church in Heerlen and at Auberge de Rousch

Yet another very warm wedding day! Bride Kirsten changed at her parents' place. On the terrace in the shade, her makeup was applied, and her hair was done. Her little daughter and flower girl also had their hair done with curlers. Together with her father, I hung the wedding dress in the tree behind the house.

Then it was her little brother's turn to get dressed by the grandmothers. The temperature was rising significantly, and groom Rick had arrived with their Ford Mustang wedding car.

Upon arrival at the wedding venue Auberge de Rousch, it was so hot that the asphalt was melting. Due to the heat, the decision was made to have the civil ceremony indoors. The room (the Kersentuin) was beautifully decorated and equipped with air conditioning. During the ceremony, there was singing by vocalist Gabriella Massa. Although no wedding rings were exchanged during the civil ceremony, both son and daughter received a beautiful ring.

Afterwards, the newlyweds were greeted with a bubble salute in the courtyard of Auberge de Rousch, and it was time for lunch in the Kersentuin room. After the wedding meal, it was time to head to Pancratius Church in Heerlen for the religious ceremony. A beautiful mass with singing and many lively children who weren't keen on sitting still, resulting in many delightful moments.

After the church, white doves were released. Always a heartwarming moment. One dove took off prematurely from the bride's hand, but a new one performed better. Following that, a whole basket of doves was released.

Upon returning to the reception venue, it was time for champagne and wedding cake. We kept the posing session as brief as possible due to the heat. Kirsten's hair and makeup were touched up beautifully, and we started on the tree-lined avenue with some photos featuring the wedding car and the children, ending with some romantic shots at the forest edge near the pond.

Wij hadden eerst een kennismakingsgesprek met Shirley. Daaruit bleek al gauw dat wij ervoor kozen om haar op onze bruiloft te laten fotograferen.
4 juli 2015, de warmste dag tot nu toe! 38 graden op z'n minst was het! Jeetje wat een hitte, daar hadden wij allemaal een beetje last van.
Shirley bleef professioneel en wij hebben vrij weinig van haar aanwezigheid gemerkt. 
Ons album is werkelijk geweldig en dat terwijl de kinderen het helemaal gehad hadden.

Gepubliceerd op de website van The Perfect Wedding


Weddingdress Desiree Bruidsmode Geleen
Wedding cake Taarten van Marlene Heerlen
Trouwschoenen Tsjari Breda
Wedding planner Fabienne Crombach
Visagie Oriflame
Flowers Parkstad bloembinderij
Party location Auberge de Rousch Heerlen
DJ Andy Cobben
Haar bruid Salon Kleurrijk
Church Pancratiuskerk Heerlen
Pak bruidegom Geilenkirchen
Lunch locatie Auberge de Rousch Heerlen
Wedding venue Auberge de Rousch Heerlen

Post reply

Prachtige foto's van een geweldig bruidspaar en hun kinderen!!
Het was echt geweldig. Wij kijken nog steeds met veel trots en liefde terug naar deze super foto's. Top!! Nu 2 jaar later nog steeds dankbaar en blik dat we voor jou gekozen hebben... liefs, Rick en Kirsten
Wedding Photography in Heerlen at Pancratius Church and Auberge de Rousch



