Wedding reportage spontaneous and journalistic and spontaneous at Auberge de Rousch


Spontaneous Wedding Photography in Landgraaf and Auberge de Rousch in Heerlen with Wedding Photos Among the Vineyards of Wijngoed Fromberg

A second wedding, but by no means any less special. I knew these two super lovely people because I had the privilege of photographing the wedding reportage of Riet's son.

Now it was Riet and Gerard's turn to tie the knot.

I was there early, at 8 in the morning, to capture journalistic wedding photos of the bride's preparations with her daughter. The makeup artist and hairstylist were present.

I also took a moment to photograph groom Gerard, who was getting into his wedding suit just 2 minutes away.

I stood near the front door as the groom walked down the street to pick up his bride. It was delightful with all the neighbors outside, watching.

After a traditional doorbell moment (an important element of every wedding reportage) and a staircase scene, toasts were made inside, and then Riet and Gerard set off in Riet's yellow Mini Cooper—today's official wedding car—to Auberge de Rousch, where the civil ceremony took place first, followed by the "spiritual ceremony."

The spiritual ceremony replaced the church ceremony on this day, and several rituals were performed. All guests were connected with each other by a cord, and afterward, the marriage was sealed. A wedding candle was lit, and the children of both partners also lit a candle. This unique wedding ceremony resulted in many photogenic images in the wedding reportage.

During both the civil and spiritual ceremonies, there was beautiful live music with singing. "Mag ik dan bij jou" and "Alles is liefde" were played. There was a lot of laughter, but there were also tears. A very beautiful and intimate wedding day to be part of as a wedding photographer.

After both ceremonies, the couple cut the wedding cake on the terrace, followed by a champagne toast. Then, we drove to Ubachsberg, where we took some romantic wedding photos in the fields with the wedding car, traditional cans trailing behind, and a large bow on the roof.

We also made a brief stop at Wijngoed Fromberg for a small, romantic, and spontaneous wedding reportage in Limburg among the grapevines. I photographed the wedding rings on a cluster of blue grapes.

Afterwards, we continued the search for a pasture with cows, which we eventually found near the Bernardushoeve. Here, I took some wedding photos of the couple in the landscape with the cows.

Slowly, it was time to return to the wedding venue Auberge de Rousch, where we took some more wedding photos by the pond in Heerlen.

Afterwards, everyone sat down for the wedding dinner. After unwrapping the gifts, I said goodbye, and the evening continued.

Sjurlie Fotografie heeft zeker mede bijgedragen aan onze zeer geslaagde huwelijksdag. Sjurlie Fotografie heeft originele ideeën voor fotolocaties en haar foto's zijn dan ook zeker origineel te noemen. Ook de kwaliteit is fantastisch, net zoals het prachtige fotoalbum. De service is perfect en er was alle aandacht voor onze wensen. Wij bevelen Sjurlie Fotografie dan ook van harte aan.


 (gepubliceerd op de website van The Perfect Wedding)


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Wedding reportage spontaneous and journalistic and spontaneous at Auberge de Rousch



